Договор на участие в блошином рынке при Colorado State University
CONTRACT for FLEA MARKET Campus Activities Office 8033 Campus Delivery, Ft. Collins, CO 80523-8033 |
All fields must be completed Register: Call (970) 491-1114. To complete registration, print these two forms, complete & submit with payment. |
This agreement is made between the Board of Governors of the Colorado State University System, acting by and through Colorado State University on behalf of the Campus Activities Flea Market, hereinafter termed Flea Market, at Colorado State University, and _____________________, hereinafter-termed Vendor, for vendor table space in the Campus Activities Flea Market for ____________________________. This agreement is valid only for the dates indicated herein.
1) Vendor will be conducting the following business in the Flea Market: (please describe):
2) Vendor has selected __________________________, a recognized CSU Student Organization, from the “Hot List” to sponsor Vendor’s participation in the Campus Activities Flea Market.
3) Upon execution of this agreement, Vendor agrees to pay, and has enclosed the table rental fee of ______ (Total number of days times $100)
4) Vendor has read, signed, and agrees to abide by the Terms of Use for Non-CSU Vendors agreement provided by the Flea Market.
5) Vendor has submitted a sample of product(s) to be sold and has gained approval from the Flea Market to market such product(s). If in paper form, Vendor may fax a sample with other documents in to the Campus Activities office.
6) Vendor will remove all vending materials from the campus at the end of each vending day. Vendors leaving the Flea Market area or the campus in any condition requiring CSU maintenance will be charged a fee no less than $50 to be paid in full before any subsequent vendor days may be used or scheduled.
7) Vendor will not infringe upon copyrighted or trademarked materials of any entity.
8) On University premises or at any University-sponsored activities, the following acts are prohibited: manufacture, sale, dispensation, possession or use of weapons, and any illegal drug or controlled substance without legal authorization such as a prescription. Vendor agrees that it will not undertake such activities on University premises.
9) Vendor agrees not to engage in free-food giveaways unless arranged through Lory Student Center Food Services.
10) Vendor understands and acknowledges that the University does not guarantee exclusivity, and that there may be other vendors promoting similar products on the same day in the Flea Market.
12) Vendor is solely responsible for collecting and remitting, as required by law, all state sales tax.
I agree to the above terms and certify that I am a duly authorized signatory for:
By: _______________________________________ Signature Date |
Campus Activities Flea Market Representative for CSU By: _______________________________________ Signature Date |
Who is handling this reservation for your company:
Name: __________________________ Address: ____________________________________
Phone: ____________________________________ Fax: ______________________________
1. All entities other than official CSU recognized Student Organizations, hereinafter termed Vendors, may schedule, upon availability, up to ten (10) days during one academic year in the Flea Market at Colorado State University.
2. Vendor tables are available for a total of $100 per day. Fees must be received by the Flea Market Office five (5) business days prior to the date the Vendor is scheduled in the Flea Market, and include: a signed Terms of Use form, a completed and executed Contract for Non-CSU Vendors, Vendor’s Tax Identification Number, a photocopy of sales tax license, and a photocopy of Certificate of Insurance (for marketing firms representing credit card companies only). Acceptable forms of payment are: company check, certified postal money order, or cash. Checks should be made out to Campus Activities, CSU. Payment must be sent or delivered to the Flea Market office, Lory Student Center, Fort Collins, Colorado 80523-8033.
3. All Vendors must be sponsored by a recognized CSU Student Organization and provide the Flea Market staff with Student organization name and the person at CSU who authorized sponsorship.
4. Table and sponsor fees are non-refundable, non-transferable, and not dependent on perceived success of the Vendor’s experience in the Flea Market.
5. Vendor scheduling is on a first-come, first-served basis. Reservations begin the first Wednesday after the Fourth of July for fall semester and the Wednesday after Thanksgiving for spring semester. Space reserved is considered confirmed upon receipt of all fees and all documents described in #2 of this document.
6. Any Vendor not arriving by noon on any scheduled day forfeits reserved space in the Flea Market, unless previously arranged with Flea Market staff. Other Vendors reserving space for that same day may request forfeited space through the Flea Market Office.
7. Vendors may utilize the corkboard at the top of the window behind their table, top and front of their table for advertising on their reserved day(s). Please be considerate of other Vendor space. Absolutely no material may be placed anywhere else in or outside of the Lory Student Center.
8. Vendors using electrical outlets must provide and utilize a surge protector for their equipment.
9. Vendors may not solicit customers other than from behind their reserved table. No unreasonable noise, disruptive or abusive behavior will be tolerated. Vendors must remain behind their tables and demonstrate professionalism at all times.
10. Vendor must provide written information about its ability to back its claims and guarantees. During the Vendor’s use of the Flea Market, a statement must be made available to purchasers that sets forth the circumstances under which purchasers may return merchandise during and after the sale including the Vendor and Vendor’s representative’s addresses, and phone numbers. This information must be posted or made available for customers to take at the Flea Market site.
11. Vendor must post a sign at their vending table addressing both the nature of the sale and identifying the sponsoring organization.
12. Colorado State University reserves the right to: a.) reassign tables space if deemed necessary by the university, and b.) remove a Vendor from the Flea Market or restrict Vendor’s future use of the Flea Market.
I/we, the undersigned, have read and agree to these Terms of Use.
Signature______________ Name of Company ______________ Date _______________
источник публикации
Lory Student Center